Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin-- Benjamin Franklin
 Some of the Editions are:
a. Publisher: Dover Pubns; ISBN: 0486290735; (July 1996)
    Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.42 x 8.23 x 5.15 
b. Publisher: Yale Univ Pr; ISBN: 0300001479; (December 1964)
    Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 8.00 x 5.13 
c. Publisher: The Audio Partners Publishing Corporation; ISBN: 
    1572700432; unabridged edition (October 1997)
    Audio Cassette: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.19 x 7.06 x 4.20
d. Publisher: Penguin USA (Paper); ISBN: 0140390529; (August  1986)
    Paperback: 270 pages;Dimensions (in inches): 0.52 x 7.10 x 4.29
e. Publisher: Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679726136; (February 1990)
    Paperback: 214 pages ;  Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 8.05 x 5.22
f.  Publisher: Indypublish.Com; ISBN: 1588276694; (December 2001) 
    Paperback: 148 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.41 x 9.06 x 6.06
 Think and Grow Rich—Napoleon Hill
Publisher: Fawcett Books; ISBN: 0449214923; 
Reissue edition (November 1990)
Mass Market Paperback: 233 pages ; 
Dimensions (in inches): 0.68 x 6.90 x 4.24 
Think and Grow Rich Action Pack—Napoleon Hill
Publisher: Plume; ISBN: 0452266602; Reissue edition (August 1988)
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.92 x 8.22 x 5.12 
 Lao Fan’s 4 Books(了凡四訓)
311頁,15 x 20.8公分
 Lao Tze’s Taxation on Rocompense(太上感應篇)

《太上感應篇》,簡稱《感應篇》,作者不詳,是一本道教勸善書。全篇思想素 材取自《太平經》及魏晉道書《易內戒》、《赤松子經》等。本書的寫成日期約在北宋初,到南宋理宗時已有刊本流傳於世。全文僅約一千二百多字,開篇的十六字 「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形」為全書的綱要 ,最後並強調「諸惡莫作,眾善奉行」。官刻和民間刊印的《感應篇》版本極多,校注者也很多,其中以清代惠棟的《太上感應篇注》,和俞樾之《太上感應篇纘義》影響最為深遠。